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Generators Emerge As a Status Symbol

April 29, 2014

As storms and power outages have been sweeping through the Northeast, many are realizing that back-up generators can make living without power much easier. As the appeal grows, and the stigma around the difficulty of buying and using a portable, back-up generator fades, many are finding that having a back-up source of power is an important thing.

Read more from this NY Times article regarding just how useful having a generator during loss of power can be.

Important Generator Safety Tips

April 28, 2014

Things can be chaotic when the power goes out. Having a back-up source of power may have lifesaving benefits for your home, loved ones or business. If you plan on using an generator during emergencies and power outages, it is vital that you take the proper precautions when setting up and using your generator. Follow these simple guidelines to help protect you, those around you and your generator.

American Red Cross – Purchasing and Using a Generator?

National Safety Council – Portable Generator Safety Tips?

National Fire Protection Association – Generator Safety?

Ethanol Gas Left in Generators May Disable Them, Experts Say

April 23, 2014

First it was boat engines and lawn equipment. Get ready now for potential hassles with portable generators. Leaving gas in your generator or not adding ethanol stabilizer at the end of hurricane season last year can mean trouble this hurricane season.